Gallery Pages

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rex, the Wonder Horse

This is Rex, the Wonder Horse. 
Rex is a Moyle horse.

Moyle horses are both fascinating and strange. They are a very rare, very special breed. The exact origin of the breed is unknown, but is believed that in the mid-1950's a fellow named Rex Moyle from Idaho, bred horses with great endurance with wild Mustangs to create this amazing and unique breed.

The most notable, and fascinating aspect of this breed, besides having great endurance, is that the horses are marked with small horn-like knobs on their foreheads.
This is my version of this very special horse. However, instead of 'horn-like-knobs', my-Moyle has fully developed horns . . . just to make the point.  

I named him "Rex the Wonder Horse", after Rex Moyle, and Rex Allen who became known as the "Last of the Silver Screen Cowboys" and his "Wonder Horse, KoKo".
(I know, I know . . . it's complicated, but Rex seemed to fit)

A wooden horse covered in bits of wallpaper from the 1920's, and embellished with bits and bling, making him a beautiful carousel horse. The wooden dowel that suspends the horse is topped with a gold knob and is covered in colorful ribbons. The dowel is attached to a vintage cutting board that has been covered in tissue papers. A metal measuring tape with beautiful patina, outlines the board's outer edge. The board sits on 4 colorful wooden beads attached on its underside.

If you are interested in more info , here is a link to MoyleHorse 
And this is a link to a photo of a horse with 'nubs' for horns

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Never try to teach a pig to sing
it wastes your time
and it annoys the pig 

I have heard this quote repeated many times in my life and it always makes me laugh.

In putting this piece together I wondered what the origin of the saying was. Many online sources say it was science fiction writer Robert Heinlein who coined the phrase.  Others, attribute it to, of all people, Mark Twain. Still a whole group of other sources insist it is urban folklore.

Although I am a strong believer that we can do most anything we set our minds to do, I also believe that there are some things one cannot change no matter how hard you try, and that continued efforts might cause the subject of your efforts to revolt. 

Teaching a pig to sing might be akin to trying to teach a cat to fetch. 

At some point we all need to know when to accept the nature of things, and understand that there are some outcomes we can influence and bring change to, and that there are other things that are not capable of being changed or altered.

With that said, I will add that all is not lost . . . my husband did teach our cat LUCI to fetch.
Well sort of . . . Luci fetches only when he is in the mood to fetch  . . . but that's a start.  

 That makes me laugh, too.

A wooden game board is covered front and back in bits of papers and tissues. Scrabble tiles spell out the quote, and a ceramic pig shows a little attitude.