Gallery Pages

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Over the past few years, I have made several of these 'memory' mirrors. They are so much fun to make, always wonderful to look at, and people seem to love them. I know all of this, because I am friends with some of the people who have bought or commissioned one of these mirrors, and I have the opportunity to visit these mirrors in their new homes from time to time.

I have to say, I am always pleased and happy that the memory mirrors continue to hold my interest because of their whimsey, and the 'rush' of memories they evoke in everyone who sees them.

Having said that . . . . i must add that they are "a pain in the neck" to photograph.  A photograph does not capture the magic, or the whimsey nor does a photograph bring on a squeal of delight.

This piece was commissioned as a gift, by a friend of mine for her sister who lives in Colorado. I am happy to report, that as I compose this post, the piece, titled "Sisters" is on it's way to it's new home in Coloado.

Besides the personal mementos provided to me for this piece, I was also given a few details about Joyce's likes and dislikes to help me pull this memory mirror together.  This is what I was told:
  • She is a nurse
  • She rides a Harley
  • Her favorite place to vacation is Cancun, Mexico
  • Her favorite beer is Coors Light
  • She loves dogs, especially 'wiener' dogs
  • She loves to go fishing
  • She lives in Colorado
  • She loves 'bling'
  • and most of all she loves her family.
Now, back to the 'pain in the neck' part.  To help you see some of the details of this large memory mirror, I've included some detail images below.


Saturday, September 20, 2014


My husband's family meets every year for a week in the central California beach-town of Cayukos.
Cayukos is a sweet small coastal town, with beautiful beaches, funky restaurants, a few antique malls and one or two tasting rooms featuring lovely Central California wines.

This past summer I came across this sign in front of one of of the tasting rooms on Ocean Avenue:

I knew it would become one of my favorite quotes.
My customers at the Sebastopol Gallery, where I show my work, seem to love it too!
(we do, after all live in 'wine-country' . . . )

Come To The Edge . . .

"Come To The Edge . . . "
Here is another of my 'scrabble' pieces.  I have made and sold several variations of this piece before.  The quote is still a favorite of mine.
"Come to the edge", he said.
They said, "We are afraid".
"Come to the edge", he said.
They came, he pushed them, and they flew.
                                        - Guillaume Apollinaire
                                                                French poet and novelist 1880-1918

For years I have attributed this quote to Guillaume Apollinaire, as have many others.

Upon further research on Apollinaire and this quote, I discovered that these words were originally written by an English poet named Christopher Logue. The poem he wrote was commissioned by the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in 1961 or 1962, to be used for a poster advertising an Apollinaire Exhibition titled "Apollinaire Said".

Hence the mis-attribution, by me and everyone else in the English-speaking world . . . oh wait, I found this photo on-line, with the words written in Spanish on a wall somewhere in Salamanca, Spain, also attributing the quote to Mr. Apollinaire. . . .

On the bottom right of the wall the quote is attributed to G Apollinaire
With the understanding of the circumstances by which this misappropriation may have occurred, I have to say that I will continue to think of Guillaume Apollinaire every time I read these words.

Besides, I really like saying Guillaume Apollinaire.
When I read these words I think how many times I have stood on "The Edge" of one of life's major decisions waiting for a push, from something or someone . . . thinking, feeling, fearing that "the decision" was way too BIG for me to make on my own . . .
. . . only to realize that once 'pushed' I was able to fly.  Always have.