Gallery Pages

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The End

"The End"


As we bring 2013 to a close, and anticipate the dawn of the new year, this is the ultimate advise, don't you think? 
In other words, no matter how things look today, with a new year, we all have the opportunity to get it right, to do it better.

Those of you you follow my work know I have used this quote before in other pieces.  I like it! And I am not alone. Customers who come into the gallery where I show my work, seem to like it too. This piece sold a few days before Christmas.

Initial research credited this quote to John Lennon, however, further digging  revealed a variety of origins, from a recent movie, to a Brazilian fiction writer. In fact, it has even been credited to No One (Anonymous).

I like this quote because it is memorable  I like it because it can be used as a simple general statement of curiosity and how truly free from complication life and the world around us can be.

A wooden box has been covered, front and back in various papers, including text, music, magazine images and tissues, frame the vintage children's alphabet blocks that spell out the quote.
A small frog on top finishes the piece.  Ready to hang.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Three Fives and a Foot . . .

"Gimme 5"                                       "Hi" 

 "High Five"                                             "Leg Up"
"Three Fives and a Foot"
A few more 'smalls' I made for  the holiday season . . .these 'stocking-stuffers can be paperweights or just something fun to look at while sitting at your desk at work or at home.  They are colorful and fun, and made from strange and wonderful things.  They were a 'kick' to make, and apparently folks really liked them, cause they are all SOLD!

"Gimme 5" The small ceramic clown's hand is mounted on a part of a vintage carpenter's level and 3 metal washers that have been covered in papers, (maps, music and text). On each end are bits of a carpenter's ruler.

"Hi!"  A doll's hand is attached to a small wooden block that is covered in magazine images, text and music and tissue.

"High Five" is a Barbie doll hand mounted on a small wooden platform atop a small rip saw blade, and some found metal washers.

"Leg Up"  is a ceramic Harlequin doll leg mounted on a small wooden block that has been covered in magazine images, music, text and tissue.

All are no more than 2" or 4" wide and tall.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Angel People

 "Lola Blue"                                    "Open Arms"

                         "Kitchen Wicca"                "Nicest Person In The World Award"

Last year around this time, I made a few "smalls' just in time for the holiday season . . . they were called the "Chair Family" and "Chair People and the Trees".

They were so well received, I decided to make a new series this year.  This year's smalls are called "Angel People".

They came together from bits and parts, fencing, bottle openers, billiard balls  . . . and such.  Anyway, happy to say, most of them have gone to their new homes this holiday season . . . time to think about what to do for next year . . .

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Jack and the Fish Catcher

 "Fish Catcher"

"Jack Always Wears A Rolex"

These two smalls were finished a few weeks ago, and before I could post about them, off to the gallery they went.

First is "Fish Catcher", a sweet little wooden truck, hand made by someone's dad, I am sure . . . I found it 6 or 7 months ago at the flea market. It was at the bottom of a cardboard box containing multitudes of plastic toys, including cars, balls and GI Joes . . . I loved it the minute I saw it.

As I dug deeper in that same box, looking for other pieces of interest, I found Jack.

"Jack Always Wears a Rolex" * makes me laugh just looking at him. He is a hand carved, hand painted rabbit from the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.  He was pretty banged up when I found him, but a little acrylic paint and a varnish finish made him almost-new again.

Both pieces sit atop a 4"- 2x2 wooden block, collaged in various papers, magazine images, and tissues. The "Fish Catcher's" eyes were transplanted from a now deceased stuffed teddy bear.

* NOTE: In researching titles for both pieces, I came across a very entertaining column in the Grant County Beat, the local newspaper for Silvercity, NM.
The column written by NM artist Barbara Jorgen Nance, is titled "Jack Rabbit Wore a Rolex"  . . . I found it entertaining and worth the read.