In July, I received an email from Mr. Terrence Coffman, who will be curating an exhibition in New York next month that will raise funds to help bring bicycles primarily into Africa through World Bicycle Relief. He said he had seen my work on-line via this BLOG, and asked if I'd be interested in being one of 95 invited artists from across the US, Canada and Ireland who will participate in this year’s juried exhibition at the Cedar Lake Theater in the Chelsea area of New York City.
This is the 2nd year of the SRAM pART PROJECT and if you follow this link you will be able to see the work created by the amazing artists who participated in this project last year.
I admit, I was a bit leery at first, given the request to participate, came, seemingly, from nowhere. However, after checking out the links Mr. Coffman provided, and after seeing the scale and quality of the work produced last year, I knew I had to say YES.
One week later a box of brand-new 100 SRAM bicycle parts arrived at my studio. . . Now - all I had to do was create something, right? YIKES!
This was a very difficult project for me to start. The parts I received were beautiful, high-quality, high-end, brand new bicycle parts. What I didn't take into consideration, was that I NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER use NEW-anything in my work.
I was befuddled, I felt lost, nothing worked, nothing looked right! I looked for inspiration everywhere I went. I asked for input from everyone who would listen. Although I was able to incorporate bits, pieces and parts of all the ideas I was gathering, it took me weeks and weeks, and 8 or 9 different concepts, until I was finally able to zero in on one concept that appealed to me.
As it often happens with my most difficult art challenges, it felt as if the 'piece' itself was telling ME what to do next, it seemed to come together after many weeks of trial and error.
My next challenge was: What to call it? "Geared Up / Time Out", "The Gears of Time", "Time is Running Out", "Time and Music" . . . again, nothing felt right. Then one morning, around 4AM, I woke up from a deep sleep, and I knew what the title would be. It is titled: "Waiting".
I finished "Waiting" last week. In the end I can say, I am happy with the finished piece, even the SHINE ON THE NEW PARTS!
It has been delivered to the UPS Store for shipment to NYC! WOO! HOO !
So here is the BIG REVEAL . . . . do tell me what you think.
"Waiting" ●
(click on any image get a closer view)
I will post additional details as I get them.
Or, just keep visiting SRAM pART PROJECT and see the progress.
The the AUCTION is scheduled for November 29th.
Check back often, tell your friends, and BID! BID! BID!