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"Reflections" ●
Several months ago, I came across this wonderful vintage mirror, The mirror appeared to be handmade by someone many years ago, lovingly sculpted out of a piece of fur, or possibly pine. A heart shape design cut-out was fitted with a 1/4" thick mirror. The fine sanded wood frame was painted silver. Truthfully, the piece was beautiful as I found it.
But, alas, I had to bling it up. A thin layer of tissue was first, (you can see it in this closeup photo).
Then I began adding the hardware. Mostly silvery bits, and baubles and bling.
I have included several photos which will hopefully provide you an opportunity to take a closer look at the many pieces included on this memory mirror.
Mirror Top

Bottom half of mirror

Lower left hand corner
The finished size is 16"x16". And I think it turned out spectacular.
I finished the piece a week before Valentine's Day, and although I felt I was a bit late for the holiday of hearts, the piece was sold a few days after that.
The sweet couple, Tom and Carol, who took "Reflecitons" home with them, sent me a lovely email telling me how much they are enjoying the piece. The also included a photo of the piece in their home.
How cool is that?